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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sejarah Kemerdekaan Malaysia

I think this always the issue that debate by many peoples. Before we go on into this, let's us have some idea of our initially independence history of Malaysia.











This is get from 星洲日報/雲淡風輕‧作者:林明華‧2009.03.31

Let's see another post in english

The Early Voices in Sejarah Kemerdekaan Malaysia
So I read several references and trace the seeds of independence back in 1906 to moslem reformists, wishing to end colonial rule to establish an Islamic state, began publishing magazines and newspapers to promote their cause. They also formed political parties such as:

1. The first Malay political party, Kesatuan Melayu Muda in 1937 led by Ibrahim Haji Yaakob. Japanese occupation ended it.

2.Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya after the war in 1945 backed by the Malayan Communist Party with Mokhtaruddin Lasso, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmi( who later also led PAS, the Islamic Party of Malaysia in 1956 ) and Ahmad Boestamam as key figures. The British banned it 5 months later.

3.Hizbul Muslimin led by Uztaz Abdul Bakar al-Baqir in 1948, was a faction of PKMM above. The British banned it in the same year.

COMMUNISTS? - A Chapter of Bloodshed in Sejarah Kemerdekaan Malaysia

Their political ideology is the opposite of the capitalist British. However, they were useful allies during Japanese occupation, forming the most effective resistance force against the Japanese in Asia. The British supplied them arms and training and legalized their political party, Malayan Communist Party after the war.

The communists, mostly Chinese, also wanted independence for favour of a communist state, meaning equal rights for all races ( naturally ). So it was no surprise things turned sour when the Federation of Malaya established in 1948, which guarantees the special rights of Malays turned the communists to 12 years violent opposition, causing death of thousands. No wonder the government called them " pengganas komunis"!

Even after communist threat was declared over in 1960, it was only until 1989 they signed a peace treaty with the governments of Malaysia and Thailand to end their war of 'independence'.

This article take from

But when you read the article "Sejarah Malaysia" from UTM, you can just only see those name like Datuk Onn Jaafar, and UMNO. The most funny thing is, i found this Sejarah Tingkatan 3. Please read page 28,
Memahami perjuangan UMNO
Aras 1
  • Menceritakan peristiwa yang membawa kepada pembentukan UMNO
  • Mengumpul maklumat tokoh-tokoh dalam jawatan kuasa yang telah menggubal perlembagaan UMNO
  • Mengumpul maklumat tentang ketokohan Dato’ Onn bin Jaafar
  • Memerihalkan peranan UMNO menggagalkan Gagasan Malayan Union
  • Melukis bendera dan lambang UMNO
  • Menyatakan perkembangan UMNO sehingga tahun 1948
Aras 2
  • Membincangkan usaha UMNO menyatupadukan orang Melayu
  • Menjelaskan perkembangan UMNO selepas Malayan Union sehingga 1948
Aras 3
  • Menjana idea tentang dasar UMNO yang menjadi pilihan orang Melayu
  • Mentafsir lambang dan bendera UMNO
Temubual : Tokoh veteran UMNO
Menonton Dokumentari : 50 tahun perjuangan UMNO
Forum : Perjuangan UMNO
Buku Skrap: Mengumpul biodata tokoh-tokoh UMNO
Mengumpul Gambar : Gambar yang berkaitan dengan sejarah UMNO

I haven't read all yet and i really don't wish to read anymore. It is so much different from what i studied when i was in high school. I totally can't accept this. I really curious by how well you knowing UMNO, a politic party, is helping you getting know better in history, that's amazing!